25 Positive Birth Affirmations

Birthing your child is an act of love! Birth affirmations are a great way to guide you through each contraction, while also giving you confidence in your body’s ability as you bring your baby into the world!

As I prepared myself for birth, I found the process of taking in and writing down positive birth affirmations helpful in building my confidence on the huge task before me.

I hope these 25 positive birth affirmations will be helpful to you in either the preparation phase of pregnancy or labor itself!

25 Positive Birth Affirmations!

1. My body made this baby with birth in mind

Isn’t that so true! I love this one because it really reminds you the contractions have a purpose and your body knows what it’s doing!

2. I CAN birth this baby


4. I feel the strength of all women who came before me

Another one that really just spoke to me! Reminding us, for generations our mothers have done this ultimate task of giving birth with love and magnificent strength, that we too have the same ability!

5. My body was made to do this!

6. Ride the waves

7. With one breath at a time, I breath through this surge

8. I am the ocean, the waves can not overcome me

9. I am safe, by baby is safe

10. I believe in myself, I believe in my baby

11. Mind over matter

12. Open, relax, release

13. I am letting my baby come to me

14. I bring this child to the world with grace, love and incredible strength

15. Women all over the world are birthing with me

16. I am not alone

17. I trust my body, I trust my baby

18. My body and baby know what to do

19. I can do hard things

20. I can and I will

21. Birth is LOVE

22. I birth with ease

23. My job is to relax and allow this birth to happen

24. I am strong

25. I can do anything for 60 seconds

I hope these affirmations are able to help remind you of your body’s ability to birth your baby and the inner strength you have!

You have totally got this Mama!

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