5 Books to Prepare You for Conception, Birth, and Motherhood

The act of motherhood begins long before a child is born. Even prior to conception, a women prepares her mind and body for the monumental tasks to come: pregnancy, birth and, the blessing of lifelong motherhood. Here, you will find 5 book to help you prepare in confidence for conception, pregnancy, birth and parenting! InContinue reading “5 Books to Prepare You for Conception, Birth, and Motherhood”

25 Positive Birth Affirmations

Birthing your child is an act of love! Birth affirmations are a great way to guide you through each contraction, while also giving you confidence in your body’s ability as you bring your baby into the world! As I prepared myself for birth, I found the process of taking in and writing down positive birthContinue reading “25 Positive Birth Affirmations”

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